Thanks for your interest in becoming a patient Please call our office to schedule your consultation.
We like to get familiar with your case and review your medical history before we sit down for an initial consultation and examination. Our comprehensive intake exam is the first step in finding the root cause of your health concerns so that we can create a personalized care plan just for you. The exam will evaluate your brain-body connection, and a thorough orthopedic assessment.
We will start with an in-depth functional neurological exam and nutritional assessment to discover factors that may be affecting your health. After the initial consultation, we perform a comprehensive functional neurology exam including orthopedic, spinal, physical, and neurological assessments with our industry-leading equipment.
Some of the evaluation techniques we use are: • Video Nystagmography • Comprehensive Orthopedic and Musculoskeletal Examination • Dynamic Posturography • Vestibulo-Ocular Testing • Optokinetic Nystagmus Testing • Pursuit and Saccade Testing of the visual system • Computerized Timing and Planning examination • Vestibular and Cerebellum Testing • Coordination Assessment • Mental Status and Cognitive Evaluations • Gait Analysis and Motor Testing to check for muscular imbalances • Sensory Perception Tests including cranial nerves and peripheral nerves, motor reflexes, primitive reflexes and balance
WHAT DOES INSURANCE COVER? We operate from two core office policies:
1. Our mission is to help as many people as possible regain their health and meet their goals. 2. We keep care as afforadable for everyone.
Insurance may cover some of your care. We will explain how on your first visit. We will gladly pre-verify your insurance propr to your first visit so you know exactly what your coverage is in our office.
- Medicare does not cover nutritional care, labs, or supplements.
Ready to schedule? Please follow the link below to schedule your first visit.