Dysautonomia International estimates that one million to three million Americans are affected by Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).
Diagnosis Because other conditions can mimic the symptoms of POTS, it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis to rule out other causes and ensure appropriate treatment.
We diagnose POTS using a standing test or tilt table test, measuring changes in heart rate and blood pressure.
Treatment In addition to making dietary recommendations designed to improve gut health and brain function, our patients have also responded favorably to physical therapy in which we work on retraining the autonomic nervous system and improving blood flow. We may begin with gentle range-of-motion movements and exercises in a reclined or seated position, gradually increasing intensity as your ability allows.
If you’re experiencing lightheadedness, brain fog, fatigue, or other neurological symptoms that affect your daily routine, call us at (317) 848-6000 for a free consultation and get on the path to treatment today.